Home United States USA — Korea North Korea nuclear test site on 'standby, ' U. S. analysts say

North Korea nuclear test site on 'standby, ' U. S. analysts say


North Korea’s nuclear test site at Punggye-ri is in « standby status. »
June 14 (UPI) — North Korea ‘s nuclear test site at Punggye-ri is in « standby status » and the country could conduct its sixth nuclear test at any time, according to U. S. analysts.
Writing for 38 North, a Johns Hopkins University website dedicated to North Korea issues, analysts Frank V. Pabian, Joseph S. Bermudez, Jr., and Jack Liu write that while there is no « unusual observable activity,  » more tests are possible « any time the North Korean leadership makes the decision to conduct them. »
The analysts say satellite images tell a different story than reports of « intensified » activity at the North Korean nuclear test site.
The Asahi Shimbun quoted sources on Sunday who said preparations at Punggye-ri « match those of past occasions before North Korea conducted a nuclear test. »
But Pabian, Bermudez and Liu said the North Portal of Punggye-ri shows « few signs of new activity other than water being drained from [the] portal,  » while there is « no discernible new spoil present on the spoil pile. »
The area may also not be occupied by North Korean personnel who support nuclear testing work, as « clearly identifiable vehicles or personnel are not present in either the upper or lower courtyards in this area. »
But new construction continues south of the main area, and a roof is « nearly complete and fully covered with wood sheathing » for a « replacement support building. »
The site is ready for a test, but the next action depends on Kim Jong Un ‘s directive, according to the report.

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