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Nintendo reveals an in-game rewind feature for SNES Classic


A video released by Nintendo UK reveals gamers on the SNES Classic will have the ability to rewind their game, removing the sting of starting over.
A video released today on Nintendo UK’s YouTube channel details all of the features available in Nintendo’s new SNES Classic Mini. Buried in the middle of the video is a feature that allows you to rewind your gameplay.
You choose an in-game “suspend point, ” aka a point you wish to rewind from (which is also a de facto save point) , and go back a specific amount of time. Eurogamer reports that the time differs depending on the game you’ re playing — if you’ re playing a platformer, you can go back about 40 seconds, while in an RPG you can go back up to several minutes.
So, if you’ ve ever played Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (and if you haven’ t, you should) , you’ ll recognize the basics of it.
This sounds massively useful if you’ ve missed an item or a secret or an achievement. Goodness knows I could have used it when I was playing some SNES games the first time around (I’ m looking at you, Donkey Kong Country) .
We’ ve reached out to Nintendo for comment and will update this article as needed.
The SNES mini has a useful gameplay rewind feature on Eurogamer
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