Home GRASP/Korea US And Allies Send Military Message To North Korea

US And Allies Send Military Message To North Korea


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The three nations threatened by North Korea’s nuclear missile program united for a show of force Sunday aimed at reminding Kim Jong-un’s regime that they have dominant air power in the Korean skies.
The United States sent four fighters and two bombers to fly alongside four South Korean fighters over the region near the demilitarized zone that separates the two Koreas. The U. S. aircraft also joined four Japanese fighters to fly over the waters near Kyushu, a Japanese island in close proximity to the Korean Peninsula.
The American planes included two B-1B Lancer bombers from Andersen Air Force Base on Guam, and four Marine Corps F-35B fighters from the Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni, Japan, according to  U. S. Pacific Command.
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It is the second time in the past month that B-1Bs and F-35s have been sent over the Korean Peninsula.
The Pacific Command said the jets, which conducted live-fire exercises, were sent up in response to the Sept.

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