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Politicians take to Twitter after Las Vegas shooting.
The thoughts-and-prayers machine cranked hard on Twitter in the hours following the mass shooting in Las Vegas Sunday, but many Twitter users wanted more from their elected officials.
Before issuing formal statements to the press, Tennessee politicians got busy on the social network sending out enough thoughts to bend all the spoons at Lit and prayers to keep any deity busy for awhile.
« Deeply saddened by the tragedy in #LasVegas last night, » Kustoff tweeted. « As we await more details, our thoughts and prayers with the victims and their loved ones. »
His tweet was met with the industry-standard next step in the discussion. @C4_Grizz resounded, « DO SOMETHING!!! Don’t wait for more details, write up better gun control legislation and present it NOW. »
Tennessee Senators Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander voted against gun control legislation in 2013 that would have tightened background checks on gun buyers and banned assault rifles. Their votes came a few months after white lone gunman Adam Lanza, 20, shot and killed 20 children between six and seven years old at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Corker said universal background checks would « overly burden law abiding citizens, » and Alexander feared they could « easily evolve into a national gun registry. » Since Sandy Hook, there have been 1,518 mass shootings in the country, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
« Praying for all those affected by the senseless tragedy in Las Vegas, including a number of artists who call Nashville home, » Corker tweeted Monday morning.
To which, @Mamalocksy wrote, « I know you are familiar with Chattanooga’s annual music festival. These outdoor concerts will not begin to be safe until you pass gun laws. » @Sandy_lusk wrote, « Protect us from lone wolf, white terrorists. More than prayers are needed! »
Alexander tweeted, « Our prayers are with Las Vegas and all of those affected by last night’s devastating attack. »
« There’s blood on your hands, » wrote @connorjwhite.
@Afghanvet responded, « How about donating the $5000+ in blood money you got from @NRA to the victims and their families. »
Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam tweeted an official response on Twitter.
« We know other Tennesseans were in attendance or performing at the events, and my thoughts and prayers go out to them as we grieve and process the enormity of this attack, » Haslam said.
@RussellBrasel wondered, « How much money did the @NRA donate to your campaign? »
Few of Tennessee’s scant Democrats had issued statements or posted to Twitter by Monday morning. However, Memphis Rep. Steve Cohen wrote, « Why do we lead the world in non-Isis mass killings? Too many crazies? Too many #guns? Laws to keep crazies from guns? #gunsense #GUNviolence. » He said Democrats are on a (National Rifle Association) « hit list » because they supported gun reform.
« Way to make it political, always trying to remove people’s rights, how about we get Dems the mental health help they all need. »
@CraigLBosley responded, « Yes, we need more unconstitutional gun control harassing honest people, showing the criminals we are serious. »

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