Home GRASP/Korea While Most Of America Was Sleeping, Donald Trump Went On A Wild...

While Most Of America Was Sleeping, Donald Trump Went On A Wild Twitter Tear For The Ages


(BizPac Review) – President Donald Trump hit back at Kim Jong Un by implying the North Korean dictator is “short and fat” after Kim trashed Trump as an “old lunatic.” “Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me “old,” when I would NEVER call him
(BizPac Review) – President Donald Trump hit back at Kim Jong Un by implying the North Korean dictator is “short and fat” after Kim trashed Trump as an “old lunatic.”
“Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me “old,” when I would NEVER call him “short and fat?” Trump tweeted. “Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend – and maybe someday that will happen!”
President Trump was responding to North Korean state-run media reports saying Kim had called Trump’s Asia tour “a warmonger’s trip for confrontation with our country.”
Kim continued: “Reckless remarks by an old lunatic like Trump will never scare us or stop our advance … it pushes us to speed up the effort to complete our nuclear force.”
In the same tweet storm, Trump also tore into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, mocking her unsuccessful bid to “reset” U. S.-Russia relations.
He also noted that former president Barack Obama “had zero chemistry with Putin.”
Trump underscored that as the only two superpowers, it’s better for the world that the United States and Russia get along rather than be mortal enemies as the liberal media want.

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