Home GRASP/China U. S. in talks with China on new N Korea sanctions: diplomats

U. S. in talks with China on new N Korea sanctions: diplomats


The United States is in talks with China on slapping new U. N. sanctions on North Korea and could put forward a draft Security Council resolution soon, U. N. diplomats said Wednesday. The new measure is expected to target supplies of oil products to North Korea that are vital for
The United States is in talks with China on slapping new U. N. sanctions on North Korea and could put forward a draft Security Council resolution soon, U. N. diplomats said Wednesday.
The new measure is expected to target supplies of oil products to North Korea that are vital for military programs aimed at developing Pyongyang’s nuclear strike capacity with advanced missile technology.
The new sanctions would be in response to the Nov 28 test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) that flew 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) before splashing down in Japan’s maritime economic exclusion zone.
Asked about the U. S.-China negotiations, a council diplomat confirmed « there is definitely stuff going on » but said it was unclear whether China would agree to new sanctions targeting its Pyongyang ally.
« It’s a big ask to get the Chinese to agree to a further resolution, » he said.
A diplomat said the draft resolution could be circulated to the council this week, but others were skeptical that a deal could be reached so quickly.
In negotiations on previous sanctions, the United States has first agreed with China on provisions of each resolution before presenting the text to the full 15-member council, which has then quickly voted.

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