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See how your California representative voted on tax reform – Orange County Register


All but two California Republicans voted for the tax-reform deal approved by the House on Tuesday, Dec. 19. High-cost, high-tax states — including California — could see tax hikes for many because…
All but two California Republicans voted for the tax-reform deal approved by the House on Tuesday, Dec. 19. High-cost, high-tax states — including California — could see tax hikes for many because of a new limit to the deduction allowance for state and local taxes and a $750,000 cap deductions for new home mortgages, down from $1 million for existing mortgages.
California’s representatives
California has 53 congressional districts, 12 voted in favor of the Tax Reform Bill passed Wednesday.
Every Democrat and two Republicans, Dana Rohrbacher (District 48) and Darrell Issa (District 49) voted no.
Adding to the deficit
In the Congressional Budget Office’s analysis the tax bill would add $1.4 trillion to the deficit if the amount is not offset by economic growth.
You can see the complete analysis here.
Giving tax relief
Offering opinions
“Despite the misinformation being spread about this bill, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will protect property tax and mortgage interest deductions for the vast majority of my constituents. Twenty-five thousand additional families in my district will also become eligible for the child tax credit. Through these provisions, and most importantly, by doubling the standard deduction, Americans will be able to keep more of their money.” -Paul Cook (R, District 8) – Yes
“I didn’t come to Washington to raise taxes on my constituents and I do not plan to start today. It’s disappointing that the bill approved today will not provide the same tax relief to Californians as it does to the rest of the nation. ” -Darrell Issa R, District 49) – One of two California Republicans to vote no.“For many years now, Americans have been promised relief from our over-burdensome and complicated maze of a tax code. This is why I voted in support of H. R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This bill significantly removes many of the special interest loopholes, lowers the federal income tax rates of low and middle-income families, and puts businesses on a level playing field to invest in American workers and create more opportunity.” -Steve Knight (R, District 25) – Yes
“[The bill] prioritizes tax breaks for wealthy corporations and leaves the middle class behind. Speaker Ryan needs to stop choosing billionaires over Inland Empire families.” -Pete Aguilar (D. District 31) – No
The president on Twitter:
Each district
Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale, District 1) – Yes
Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael, District 2) – No
John Garamendi (D-Walnut Grove, District 3) – No
Tom McClintock (R-Elk Grove, District 4) – Yes
Mike Thompson (D-Napa, District 5) – No
Doris Matsui (D-Sacramento, District 6) – No
Ami Bera (D-Elk Grove, District 7) – No
Paul Cook (R-Yucca Valley, District 8) – Yes
Jerry McNerney (D-Stockton, District 9) – No
Jeff Denham (R-Modesto, District 10) – Yes
Mark DeSaulnier (D-Concord, District 11) – No
Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco, District 12) – No
Barbara Lee (D-Oakland, District 13) – No
Jackie Speier (D-San Mateo, District 14) – No
Eric Swalwell (D-Dublin, District 15) – No
Jim Costa (D-FresNo, District 16) – No
Ro Khanna (D-Fremont, District 17) – No
Anna Eshoo (D-Silicon Valley, District 18) – No
Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose, District 19) – No
Jimmy Panetta (D-Carmel Valley, District 20) – No
David Valadao (R-Hanford, District 21) – Yes
Devin Nunes (R-Tulare, District 22) – Yes
Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield, District 23) – Yes
Salud Carbajal (D-Santa Barbara, District 24) – No
Steve Knight (R-Santa Clarita, District 25) – Yes
Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village, District 26) – No
Judy Chu (D-Monterey Park, District 27) – No
Adam Schiff (D-Burbank, District 28) – No
Tony Cardenas (D-San Fernando Valley, District 29) – No
Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks, District 30)- No
Pete Aguilar (D-San BernadiNo, District 31) – No
Grace NapolitaNo (D-El Monte, District 32) – No
Ted Lieu (D-Torrance, District 33) – No
Jimmy Gomez (D-Los Angeles, District 34) – No
Norma Torres (D-Pomona, District 35) – No
Raul Ruiz (D-Palm Desert, District 36) – No
Karen Bass (D-Los Angeles, District 37) – No
Linda Sanchez (D-Orange, District 38) – No
Ed Royce (R-Fullerton, District 39) – Yes
Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Los Angeles, District 40) – No
Mark TakaNo (D-Riverside, District 41) – No
Ken Calvert (R-Corona, District 42) – Yes
Maxine Waters (D-Inglewood, District 43) – No
Nanette Barragan (D-San Pedro, District 44) – No
Mimi Walters (R-Laguna Niguel, District 45) – Yes
Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana, District 46) – No
Alan Lowenthal (D-Long Beach, District 47) – No
Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa, District 48) – No
Darrell Issa (R-Vista, District 49) – No
Duncan D. Hunter (R-Lakeside, District 50) – Yes
Juan Vargas (D-San Diego, District 51) – No
Scott Peters (D-San Diego, District 52) – No
Susan Davis (D-San Diego, District 53) – No
Sources: Government Finance Officers Association, KQED, House of Representatives

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