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ESL Lesson Plan on Vulgar Language


English News Lesson on Vulgar Language: Trump calls immigrant nations ‘sh*thole’ countries – FREE worksheets, online activities, listening in 7 Levels…
US President Donald Trump has caused outrage worldwide after he reportedly made racially charged comments about Haiti, El Salvador and African countries. He was in a meeting on immigration with lawmakers on Thursday when he asked why the US allowed people from « sh*thole countries » into the country. He was also reported as saying: « We need more people from Norway. » Senator Dick Durbin, who attended the meeting, described Trump’s words as « hate filled, vile and racist ». The White House did not deny that Trump made the remarks. A spokesman said: « Certain Washington politicians choose to fight for foreign countries, but President Trump will always fight for the American people. »
There has been a lot of condemnation of Mr Trump’s alleged comments. Republican Senator Mia Love said: « The President must apologize to…the nations he so wantonly maligned. » The United Nations has condemned the reported description of African nations and Haiti as « shocking and shameful », and « racist ». Haiti’s ambassador to the United States stated: « If [the statements] were made, the President was either misinformed or mis-educated about Haiti and its people. » President Trump denied making the comments in a tweet. He wrote: « Never said anything derogatory about Haitians other than Haiti is, obviously a very poor and troubled country…. I have a wonderful relationship with Haitians. »

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