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Destiny 2 Details The Confusing Way Faction Rally Weapons Will Be Added


To clear up any further confusion, Bungie details how new Faction Rally weapons will be added to Destiny 2 Season, but the method is anything but simple.
Although today’s weekly Bungie update was light on new Destiny 2 details, a companion forum post by community manager dmg_04 helped shed some light on a recent issue. Since the Faction Rally event’s return for Season 2, Destiny 2 players have been wondering how to acquire the new weapons added with Curse of Osiris, and today Bungie detailed that rollout in full.
We say rollout because that is exactly what Bungie plans to do. They will add the Faction Rally weapons to the loot pool slowly, starting first as Winner’s Offerings for their respective Factions and then joining the loot pool in the next Faction Rally for Destiny 2.
So, the Winner’s Offerings available during this week’s Faction Rally event are the first new items. Only one will be available for players depending on which Faction wins the event, but all three will join the Faction engram loot pool the next time Faction Rally comes around.
When the event does return, there will be three new items in the Winner’s Offering slot and those will become eligible to win, before joining the loot pool during the third Faction Rally event. That process will continue until all of the new Faction Rally weapons are either in the engram loot pool or are available as the Winner’s Offering.
While Bungie won’t come out and say it, this does sound like a way to extend interest in the Faction Rally event throughout Season 2. Players that want to collect all of the items will need to return each time the event is active and pledge to their Factions and try to earn those few new items.
Or Destiny 2 players could wait until the very last Faction Rally, when all of the items will be in the loot pool or available as the Winner’s Offering, and do the real grinding. If you want to avoid duplicates as much as possible, this would be the way to increase the odds of getting the new weapons within the 30-engram limit.
Moreover, since there is a much smaller incentive (i.e. new weapons) to participate in the Faction Rally, there is a smaller incentive to play the game at all. And for Bungie, who is trying to keep players invested in Destiny 2 despite growing frustration with the game’s systems, this approach runs counterintuitive to that. Hopefully, this isn’t how future events like next week’s Iron Banner will work.
Destiny 2 is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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