Home GRASP/China CIA mole may have triggered murders of assets in China, Russia: Report

CIA mole may have triggered murders of assets in China, Russia: Report


China is suspected of sharing stolen information with Russia concerning the secret identities of CIA assets subsequently arrested and executed, current and former U. S. officials told NBC News.
China is suspected of sharing stolen information with Russia concerning the secret identities of CIA assets subsequently arrested and executed, current and former U. S. officials told NBC News.
Federal authorities investigating Jerry Chun Shing Lee, a former CIA case officer arrested in New York City last week and charged with retaining classified information, determined that Chinese intelligence subverted the agency’s covert communications system and ascertained the identities of U. S. spies who “disappeared” soon after, NBC News reported Friday.
“A secret FBI– CIA task force investigating the case concluded that the Chinese government penetrated the CIA ’s method clandestine communication with its spies, using that knowledge to arrest and execute at least 20 CIA informants,” NBC News reported, citing multiple current and former government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.
“American officials suspect China then shared that information with Russia, which employed it to expose, arrest and possibly kill American sources in that country,” the report said.

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