President Trump agrees with Rudy Giuliani on one key point: Trump says the payment to Stormy Daniels did not come from his political coffers and thus did not run afoul of campaign finance laws. « This… Politics News Summaries.
President Trump agrees with Rudy Giuliani on one key point: Trump says the payment to Stormy Daniels did not come from his political coffers and thus did not run afoul of campaign finance laws. « This was a private agreement, » Trump tweeted Thursday morning. « Money from the campaign, or campaign contributions, played no roll [sic] in this transaction. » The president was responding to Giuliani’s surprise revelation Wednesday night that Trump reimbursed attorney Michael Cohen for the $130,000 that Cohen paid to the adult film star to keep quiet about an alleged affair. Trump had previously denied knowing about the payment, notes the Hill .
Cohen « received a monthly retainer, not from the campaign and having nothing to do with the campaign, from which he entered into, through reimbursement, a private contract » with Daniels, » the president wrote. The resulting non-disclosure agreement « was used to stop the false and extortionist accusations made by her about an affair, » Trump wrote, adding that such deals are common « among celebrities and people of wealth. » While Trump’s team argues that the 2016 payment was legal in terms of campaign rules, some analysts aren’t so sure about that .