Домой United States USA — IT Box Notes aims to help you work smarter with new web and...

Box Notes aims to help you work smarter with new web and desktop apps


NewsHubIt’s critical to stay up-to-speed in the hyper-competitive world of productivity apps and services, and to that end Box is announcing improved ways for teams — and individuals — to get work done.
The file sharing and collaboration service revealed a redesigned web app and all-new standalone desktop app for Notes, its real-time teamwork tool that combines communication and documentation in one spot. As project lead Jonathan Berger tells us, think of this as Box Notes 2.0.
Box Notes now features a more streamlined web experience, one that lets users view, create and edit notes from one browser window.
A sidebar to the left gives users quick access to favorite and recently accessed notes, saving the trouble of searching around for them in folders or thumbing through notifications.

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