Домой United States USA — IT Chrysler focuses on a future generation, with a minivan at CES

Chrysler focuses on a future generation, with a minivan at CES


NewsHubChrysler ‘s future may have looked dim a few years ago, but its Pacifica minivan came out last year to critical acclaim. That success seems behind its newest concept, the Portal minivan unveiled at CES 2017.
The carmaker introduces the minivan of tomorrow with its Portal concept. The design focuses on millennials by envisioning a self-driving, all-electric future.
The Portal measures much smaller than the current crop of minivans , but it is designed for a new generation, the millennial, that by all accounts prefers an urban lifestyle.
Chrysler’s millennial focus with the Portal meant a design that started on the inside, with the idea of creating a comfortable and open space. As such, the six available seats can be easily reconfigured or removed. Those seats are also made to be much less bulky than traditional car seats.

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