Домой United States USA — software Google Release Zipkin Integration with Stackdriver Trace for Tracing Distributed Applications

Google Release Zipkin Integration with Stackdriver Trace for Tracing Distributed Applications


NewsHubGoogle Cloud Platform has released an open source Zipkin server that allows Zipkin-compatible clients to send traces to Google’s own Stackdriver Trace distributed tracing service for analysis. This Zipkin/Stackdriver Trace integration is aimed at developers whose applications and services are written in a language or framework that Stackdriver Trace doesn’t officially support, and owners of applications that are currently instrumented with Zipkin who want access to Stackdriver Trace’s advanced analysis tools.
Google Stackdriver is a monitoring, logging and diagnostic service for applications on cloud platforms. Although data captured from any cloud platform can be sent to the Stackdriver API, Stackdriver functionality is highly integrated with many services within Google Cloud Platform (GCP) (and can be used for free by GCP customers ). Google Stackdriver consists of several tools, and includes Stackdriver Trace , a distributed tracing service that has evolved from the original Google Dapper distributed tracing system.
Stackdriver Trace allows developers to track the flow of a request through an instrumented distributed (microservice) system, and analyse application latency and isolate performance bottlenecks.

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