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Live: Trump on National Mall to kick off 58th presidential inauguration


NewsHubJan. 19 (UPI) — The inauguration of Donald Trump as the United States’ 45th president officially started Thursday, with a time-honored flight into Washington, a tribute to U. S. military veterans and a concert on the National Mall.
Trump arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland early Thursday aboard a U. S. Air Force Boeing 757 — not the Trump-branded plane that’s shuttled him across the nation during his campaign.
After his arrival, Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence visited Arlington National Cemetery and laid a wreath to honor U. S. military veterans. That visit was followed by a trek to the Abraham Lincoln Memorial on the D. C. Mall, where the billionaire attended a concert featuring several musical guests.
The weather on the Mall during Friday afternoon’s ceremonies was mostly cloudy and temperatures hovered around 50 degrees just before sunset. Forecasters expect rain on Friday.
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Thursday’s activities are well-established traditions for incoming U. S. commanders in-chief, and they formally mark the beginning of the inauguration process.
Country stars Toby Keith and Lee Greenwood, rock groups 3 Doors Down and The Piano Guys, DJ RaviDrum and The Frontmen of Country with Tim Rushlow, Larry Stewart and Richie McDonald performed at the event, called the «Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration. »
Upon arriving in Washington, Trump visited his new hotel for a luncheon celebrating his forthcoming administration. During the banquet, the leader in-waiting championed his Cabinet nominees, who have been vetted by Senate committees since last week.
«We have by far the highest IQ of any cabinet ever assembled,» Trump said at the luncheon.
«It is going to be a very humbling and moving day for the president-elect, his family and mine,» Pence added at a news conference. «We can’t wait to get to work for the American people. »
An inaugural dinner was scheduled for Thursday evening and will be the final event before the second day of ceremonies Friday, when Trump will be sworn-in at the U. S. Capitol.

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