The launch also resulted in a successful recovery of the Falcon 9 rocket’s first stage , which marks the seventh time SpaceX has succeed in landing this stage back for potential later re-use. SpaceX’s second-stage also successfully reached low-earth orbit, where it will begin the next stage of the mission, deploying Iridium’s 10 satellites.
This mission is the first in a series for client Iridium, that will see it deploy 70 satellites in a network for voice and data communication. It’s also a green light for SpaceX in terms of the company pursuing its aggressive launch schedule, which is something the private launch provider needs to do in order to continue locking in new contracts and working towards its goal of decreasing the cost of launches even further still.
United States
USA — software SpaceX successfully returns to launch with Iridium-1 NEXT Falcon 9 mission