Домой GRASP/Korea The Long History of Predicting North Korea’s Collapse

The Long History of Predicting North Korea’s Collapse


NewsHubSince defecting from his post at the North Korean embassy in London last summer, Thae Yong-ho has become the go-to source for media seeking hard-won insights into his secretive homeland. Thae, the former deputy ambassador to the U. K., has offered a bold prediction: Kim Jong-un’s regime would collapse, and possibly not before long.
In a series of interviews in Seoul, Thae said North Koreans were becoming increasingly aware of the deficiencies of their nominally socialist system as the leadership lost its stranglehold on information — paving the way for an inevitable popular uprising.
Predicting the end of North Korea has a long history marked by countless false dawns. Claims of impending collapse gained prominence after the death in 1994 of North Korea’s founder Kim Il-sung, the current leader’s grandfather, only for his son, Kim Jong-il, to smoothly take the reins of power.

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