Домой United States USA — mix Rand Paul Blasts McCain’s Comments On Trump

Rand Paul Blasts McCain’s Comments On Trump


GOP Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul blasted Arizona Sen. John McCain for his comments criticizing President Donald Trump’s approach with the press during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week» Sunday. McCa
GOP Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul blasted Arizona Sen. John McCain for his comments criticizing President Donald Trump’s approach with the press during an appearance on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday.
McCain voiced opposition to Trump’s alleged ongoing attacks on the fourth estate while appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press” earlier in the day, saying, that’s how “how dictators get started.”
Paul said McCain’s comments may be fueled more by personal issues with the president than valid concern.
“This is colored by John McCain’s disagreement with President Trump,” Paul said. “Everything that he says about the president is colored by his own personal dispute he has got running with President Trump — and it should be taken with a grain of salt because John McCain is the guy that has advocated for war everywhere.”
Paul went as far as calling McCain — the chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services — a warmonger.
“Actually we’re very lucky John McCain is not in charge because I think we would be in perpetual war,” he continued. “If you look at the map, there’s probably at least six different countries where John McCain has advocated for us having boots on the ground.”
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