Домой GRASP/Korea North Korean soldier sneakily snaps a picture of Rex Tillerson through a...

North Korean soldier sneakily snaps a picture of Rex Tillerson through a window


A North Korean soldier snuck a photo through a window of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday as he visited a United Nations base on the border between North and South Korea. Tillerson had been posing for a photo with Gen. Vincent Brooks, commander of U…
A North Korean soldier snuck a photo through a window of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Friday as he visited a United Nations base on the border between North and South Korea.
Tillerson had been posing for a photo with Gen. Vincent Brooks, commander of U. S. Forces Korea in the border village of Panmunjom inside the Demilitarized Zone. A Reuters photographer who snapped their picture also caught a glimpse, at that very moment, of a North Korean soldier holding up a camera to take a picture through a window behind Tillerson and Brooks.
NBC News’ Brad Jaffy tweeted a close-up picture of Tillerson and the North Korean soldier behind him.

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