Домой GRASP/China China Concerned About Relations Between North Korea and U. S., Teaser Trailer...

China Concerned About Relations Between North Korea and U. S., Teaser Trailer for Next Star Wars Movie: P. M. Links


China is worried about escalating hostilities between North Korea and the United States. Meanwhile, Trump is in Mar-a-Lago. The White House will keep
Another set of excruciating links!
The Last Jedi?
Let us hope.
The White House will keep visitor logs secret.
Well if this is the only secret no big deal.
Victory! We have Victory!
Of course the first link, not unlike a sniper’s bullet, is always the worst shot.
We’re not doing that anymore.
*Gazes over the ruined landscape of Reason.com*
«It’s all gone, » he whispers to himself.
Shut up, Tulpa!
China is worried about escalating hostilities between North Korea and the United States.
South Korea should probably be the ones worrying.
Nah, not like Their capital is within range of 10, 000 N. Korean artillery pieces or something.
They’ve got the added worry of being the ones ultimately picking up the pieces if the Norks finally collapse.
«If»? You mean like there’s some other alternative?
I bet Wang Yi tells great stories.
Aaron Hernandez found not guilty on murder charge.
The glove didn’t fit.
The trailer for the next Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi, is here.
It’s going to be hard to avoid this for the next so many months but here’s to hoping I don’t give in some late, presumably drunken night. Fuck trailers imo.
The trailer for the next Star Wars movie, The Last Jedi, is here.
Great, another religious movie.
Sooooo, what is going on in the world? I truly haven’t got out of bed yet today.
I’ve been working all day so I don’t know either.
Go back to sleep bae. Truly nothing to see here.
Aaron Hernandez found not guilty on murder charge.
Son of a bitch is still gunna rot.

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