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NSC Shake-Up Potentially Leads To K. T. McFarland Ouster


K. T. McFarland has been asked to step down from her position as National Security Adviser to President Donald Trump in another White House shake-up. She will serve two more weeks before taking on
K. T. McFarland has been asked to step down from her position as National Security Adviser to President Donald Trump in another White House shake-up.
She will serve two more weeks before taking on a new role as the U. S. ambassador to Singapore, Bloomberg Politics reports. The shift will allow National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster, who took over after Gen. Michael Flynn resigned, to choose his own second in command. McFarland was hired by Flynn.
Trump gave McMaster, a lieutenant general in the U. S. Army, the authority to restructure the National Security Council to suit his particular needs. Reports circulating in February suggested that McFarland might leave her post in the wake of the NSC’s change in leadership; however, she told The Hill that she would stay on. “I just met with the president and he asked that I stay on. I’m thrilled to do so,” McFarland told reporters.
The call for McFarland, a 65-year-old former national security analyst for Fox News, to step down follows a decision this past week to remove the president’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, from the key NSC committee.
McFarland’s reassignment, after just three months on the NSC, is being presented as a promotion, given Singapore’s status as an valuable strategic partner in the Asia-Pacific region.
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