Домой United States USA — mix Conway Promises Trump Won't Get Rid Of White House Press Briefings

Conway Promises Trump Won't Get Rid Of White House Press Briefings


Kellyanne Conway promised that there would always be White House press briefings
White House staffer Kellyanne Conway assured voters that President Donald Trump will always host press briefings in an interview Tuesday morning.
The administration promises to completely change how the White House communications department does business according to Axios, to include more off-camera briefings, fewer questions, and more face time with Trump himself. One thing that will never change that the White House will always have press briefings, Conway told Fox and Friends Tuesday morning.
“There will always be White House briefings.” – @KellyannePolls pic.twitter.com/xVUDCoCJin
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) May 30,2017
“There will always be White House briefings, ” Conway said during an interview. “As you’ ve seen, that we’ ve had Cabinet secretaries and other administration officials going up to the podium and being part of the briefings when the issue sets that they’ re working on are actually part of the news of the day.”
The announcement comes a day after officials announced that White House Communications Director Mike Dubke resigned May 18. The outgoing official offered to stay on to assist the president through the first foreign trip of the administration. He served Trump for three months before his resignation.
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