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Seth Rich Murder: Julian Assange Retweets Story Claiming Slain DNC Staffer Leaked Emails To WikiLeaks


The murder of Seth Rich has taken a strange twist after a private investigator working for the Rich family claiming that the slain DNC staffer may have leaked the organization’s emails to…
The murder of Seth Rich has taken a strange twist after a private investigator working for the Rich family claiming that the slain DNC staffer may have leaked the organization’s emails to WikiLeaks — a charge that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange appears to be endorsing.
Rich was shot to death in Washington, D. C., last summer in a case that remains unsolved. While police said that his murder was a robbery gone wrong in a neighborhood that had seen a spate of armed robberies, some conspiracy theorists believed that the young Democratic National Committee employee was really killed in retribution for leaking the organization’s emails to WikiLeaks. The organization published them over the course of the 2016 presidential campaign, which turned out to be politically damaging to Hillary Clinton.
#BREAKING: Hillary Clinton DNC staffer Seth Rich HAD CONTACT WITH #WIKILEAKS before his MURDER! — Hillary indictment imminent! Stay Tuned. pic.twitter.com/M6NmscAHGw
— Jacob Wohl (@JacobAWohl) May 16,2017
Did John Podesta have Seth Rich murdered? pic.twitter.com/RKalkXHXSJ
— Mike Tokes (@MikeTokes) May 16,2017
Now that theory may have some new backing. Rod Wheeler, a private investigator and former Washington investigator, said he believes there is evidence on a laptop used by Seth Rich that he was in contact with WikiLeaks before his death. Wheeler also implied that Washington, D. C., police were stonewalling the investigation.
Wheeler told the outlet that he had a source confirming that Seth Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks and also said that police were trying to thwart the investigation into his death.
“I have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘Rod, we were told to stand down on this case and I can’ t share any information with you.’ Now, that is highly unusual for a murder investigation, especially from a police department, ” he said. “Again, I don’ t think it comes from the chief’s office, but I do believe there is a correlation between the mayor’s office and the DNC and that is the information that will come out [Tuesday] .”
There will likely be more of the story to come. Rod Wheeler said he will release more information about the murder of Seth Rich and his apparent connections to WikiLeaks.
[Featured Image by Seth Rich/ Facebook]

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