Домой United States USA — Financial 'Pittsburgh Not Paris' Rally Set in Support of Trump's Climate Decision

'Pittsburgh Not Paris' Rally Set in Support of Trump's Climate Decision


The Republican Party of Fairfax County, Virginia, planned a Pittsburgh, Not Paris rally Saturday in front of the White House in support of President Donald Trump’s decision to exit out of the Paris climate agreement and to counter anti-Trump protests scheduled for the same day…
The Republican Party of Fairfax County, Virginia, planned a «Pittsburgh, Not Paris» rally Saturday in front of the White House in support of President Donald Trump’s decision to exit out of the Paris climate agreement and to counter anti-Trump protests scheduled for the same day, The Washington Times reported Friday.
The event is named after Trump’s remark when announcing he was pulling the U. S. out of the international climate agreement, stating he represented the «citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.» Trump said he made the decision because it was not a good deal for the U. S. economy, but has faced severe criticism from liberal activists.
«His job saving decision has driven the left crazy, and hundreds are expected to march in Washington D. C. to protest President Trump’s actions, » said the email invitation by the Fairfax GOP. «Now, more than ever, President Trump needs your support!»
Protests for the #MarchForTruth were also taking place Saturday in Washington, D. C., New York City and other cities across the country. Their goals called for an independent investigation into claims Russia meddled in the 2016 U. S. presidential election and charges of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials. They also want Congress to force the president to turn over his tax returns, The Hill reported Saturday.

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