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Kid Rock Launches Senate Campaign Website


American rock musician Robert James Ritchie, better known as Kid Rock, is fanning the flames amid rumors that he may be considering a 2018 U. S. Senate run.
American rock musician Robert James Ritchie, better known as Kid Rock, is fanning the flames amid rumors that he may be considering a 2018 U. S. Senate run.
Rumors Kid Rock was considering a run surfaced soon after President Donald Trump’s victory in November. While some party activists see in Kid Rock what they saw in Trump — a no-holds-bar political outsider who appeals to working class men and women — others are expressing skepticism that Trump’s path to victory can be repeated.
I have had a ton of emails and texts asking me if this website is real… https: //t.co/RRVgISDFeq The answer is an absolute YES. pic.twitter.com/uYCUg6mjW1
— Kid Rock (@KidRock) July 12,2017
The musician said he will be making a “major announcement” in the near future. (RELATED: Kid Rock Is Reportedly Considering A US Senate Bid)
Stay tuned, I will have a major announcement in the near future – Kid Rock
— Kid Rock (@KidRock) July 12,2017
As the news quickly spread across Michigan’s political circles, it was met with excitement, but also skepticism.
Scott Hagerstrom, who served as Trump’s Michigan campaign director and is now deputy chair of the Michigan Republican party, expressed caution in a Facebook post.
Hagerstrom was careful to point out that his post was not meant to be a commentary on whether or not Kid Rock would be a good candidate. He highlighted the fact that portions of the Kid Rock campaign website include no disclaimer. He also questioned the corporate involvement of Warner Bros.
“Kid Rock, like President Trump, has a populist appeal — especially in Michigan, ” Joseph Guzman, a Trump campaign co-chair and professor at Michigan State University told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “I think the level of interest in this campaign shows the vulnerability of the incumbent.”
If he decides to enter the race, Kid Rock would be the third candidate to officially enter the 2018 Michigan Republican Senate Primary along with Detroit-area businesswoman Lena Epstein and former Michigan Supreme Court Justice Robert Young. Detroit Businessman and Iraq War veteran John E. James is also reportedly mulling a bid. (RELATED: 36-Year-Old Detroit Businessman And Iraq War Vet Considers Senate Bid)
A popular three-term Senator, Democrat Debbie Stabenow was first elected in 2000 and has successfully beat back Republican attempts to take the seat. Recent Senate elections in Michigan have favored Democrats, even as Republicans dominated state politics and congressional seats.
Stabenow enjoys huge support from donors in the Metro-Detroit area. After two disappointing losses, it will take a compelling candidate to convince Republican donors to come back on board in 2018. Michigan Republican party officials point to President Donald Trump’s ability to turn Michigan red for the first time since 1988 as evidence that a Republican can defeat Stabenow in 2018.
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