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‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’ : Did Tom Holland Do His Own Stunts?


Spider-Man: Homecoming is chock full of impressive stunts, but was that Tom Holland under the suit the whole time?
Spider-Man: Homecoming is chock full of impressive stunts, and the actor who portrays Spider-Man, Tom Holland, is known for his gymnastic skills. With that in mind, was it Holland who actually performed these stunts? Or were they all accomplished by a stunt man?
Tom Holland has explained that he did many of his own stunts, although he did not do all of them. Marvel and Sony wouldn’ t let him perform many of the most dangerous stunts, but he did as many of them as was possible.
“I did as many [of the stunts] as I could, but there are some things legally that I couldn’ t do, ” Holland recently said, according to Comicbook.com . “There were stunt doubles who were all very, very talented guys who really supported me throughout the process. Whenever there was a stunt that I didn’ t necessarily feel comfortable about, they would step in and show my how to do it, and coach me through the process.”
Still, there are plenty of scenes in the movie where you really are watching Tom Holland in the Spider-Man suit performing a stunt. Holland has said that his favorite involved running up a steel beam during a fight with The Vulture.
“My favorite stunt to perform was where I had to run up this steel beam and stop at the top, ” Holland told IGN . “And I secretly asked George Cottle, my stunt coordinator, if I could jump off at the end, and he said yes.”
When they were casting Spider-Man, one reason Sony and Marvel picked Tom Holland was because of his physical abilities. During his audition tapes, Holland always somersaulted into frame just to show this off.
“He’s also a dancer and a gymnast, ” Joe Russo, director of Captain America: Civil War, told Entertainment Weekly . “He fits the part like you can’ t believe.”
Marvel President Kevin Feige agreed that this was a major plus.
“The notion that Tom could do it and not only be such an amazing Peter Parker but also the best Spider-Man stunt person ever….he’ d be giving tips to the stuntmen on how to pose and land!” Feige told Entertainment Weekly.
Of course, getting the stunts done right in a major Hollywood production like this is no easy task, and it requires dozens of trained professionals. IMDB lists over 100 individuals as having worked in the stunt department on Spider-Man: Homecoming.
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