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You Should Definitely Spend $1,000 on an iPhone, Apple Founder Says


Steve Wozniak praises the capabilities of the iPhone
But if you have second thoughts when planning to spend $1,000 on an iPhone, you actually shouldn’ t, says Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Woz explained recently at a tech conference in China that while the majority of phone makers improved their products and eventually managed to offer features that are similar to those on Apple’s devices, very few actually compare in terms of build quality and performance with an iPhone. This is why an iPhone is certainly worth the money, Wozniak said.
“Here’s is what I admire about Chinese phones: really good intelligent decisions about how to lower the cost but keep enough of the functionality. In life, I don’ t believe in quantity as much as I do in quality. So (Apple) may not have the hugest share in the market, but you should have the best product you can possibly build and Apple qualifies for that, ” he was quoted as saying.
Woz went on to explain that while he tried several other phones, including those manufactured in China and in Russia, none actually matched the performance of the iPhone.
“Apple products are safe. And Apple’s pricing is high in the extreme. It’s a safe bet for a lot of people, and when you love Apple, you are willing to pay for it. Sometimes there were reasons that they didn’ t work for me, and Russian phones as well, ” he explained.
For what it’s worth, while an iPhone 7 is sold for $649 in the base configuration (though it can reach $1,000 in the top version) , it costs only $224.80 to make it, which gives Apple a profit of approximately $424 per each device sold, without including costs with research and development, marketing, and other operations.

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