Домой United States USA — Events Trump Plans To Visit Hurricane Victims

Trump Plans To Visit Hurricane Victims


President Trump is planning a trip to survey Harveys swath of devastation
President Donald Trump will travel to Texas Tuesday to survey the damage Hurricane Harvey left behind, according to a statement from the White House.
“We are coordinating logistics with state and local officials, and once details are finalized, we will let you know, ” White Hosue Press Secretary Sarah Sanders wrote in a statement Sunday . “We continue to keep all of those affected in our thoughts and prayers.”
Trump has tweeted multiple times throughout the past several days about Harvey, which hit the southeast section of Texas with 130 mile per hour winds late Friday. The president promised on Twitter earlier Sunday morning that he would take a trip to Houston as soon as he could.
“I will be going to Texas as soon as that trip can be made without causing disruption, ” the president wrote. “The focus must be life and safety.”
The storm began as a Category 4 hurricane but stalled shortly after hitting southern Texas. The National Hurricane Center told reporters Saturday that a rain gauge near one of the smallest cities in the hurricane’s path recorded more than 16 inches of rain in less than 24 hours. Five deaths have been reported so far in and around Rochport, one of the cities hit the hardest.
Charles Wax, the mayor of Rockport, told reporters that tropical storm Harvey carved out a wide swath of damage throughout Texas. He added that local authorities are not yet certain if any lives have been lost.
“Homes and business completely destroyed, lives disrupted, ” Wax said. “We do not know if there is any loss of life, but that may be because we haven’ t been able to assess.”
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