Домой United States USA — Criminal Trump Warns NK Will Face 'Fire And Fury'

Trump Warns NK Will Face 'Fire And Fury'


President Donald Trump issued a powerful warning to North Korea Tuesday, threatening to unleash an unprecedented assault on the rogue regime.
President Donald Trump issued a powerful warning to North Korea Tuesday, threatening to unleash an unprecedented assault on the rogue regime.
“North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States, ” Trump declared before the White House press pool. “They will be met with the fire and fury like the world has never seen. He has been very threatening beyond a normal state, and as I said, they will be met with the fire and fury and, frankly, power the likes of which this world has never seen before.”
North Korea has an intercontinental ballistic missile that expert observers assess can deliver a nuclear payload to cities across the continental U. S., and a new Defense Intelligence Agency report revealed that North Korea has miniaturized nuclear warheads for its ballistic missiles, including its new ICBM.
The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved new sanctions against North Korea over the weekend, stepping up pressure on Pyongyang. In response to the new resolution, North Korea announced that it will “make the U. S. pay dearly for all the heinous crime it commits against the state and people of this country.”
North Korean state media warned that the U. S. will “pay the price for its crime… thousands of times” and threatened to teach the U. S. a “decisive act of justice.”
The Trump administration has been pursuing a diplomatic solution to the North Korea problem, investing in a strategy of “maximum pressure and engagement, ” which involves military deterrence, economic sanctions, and international pressure. Trump’s latest rhetoric suggests that he may be considering a more aggressive approach.
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