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WaPo’s Trump Transcripts Dispute Previous A


This is a major journalistic failure
A mere twelve days after President Trump was sworn into office, the Associated Press (AP) published what would have been a startling report—if it were true. The report claimed that “President Donald Trump threatened in a phone call with his Mexican counterpart to send U. S. troops to stop ‘bad hombres down there’ unless the Mexican military does more to control them.”
The AP quoted a portion of what it claimed was “an excerpt of a transcript of the conversation” that it had obtained:
The only problem is that quotes are both inaccurate and severely taken out of context, according to the full transcript of the phone call, which was recently obtained and published by The Washington Post. If the transcripts are accurate, then it reveals a journalistic failure on behalf of the AP, and would suggest they were duped.
Here’s the passage from which the AP’s excerpt likely took (portions of which I’ ve bolded to indicate the portions that most resemble the AP’s quotes) :
As the transcript reveals, large portions of the conversation were omitted from the purported excerpt given to the AP. Not only that, but the excerpt given to the AP did not even contain accurate quotes, the impact of which was an entirely anti-contextual depiction of the conversation.
Even though the AP readily admitted that “ [t] he excerpt of the call did not detail who exactly Trump considered ‘bad hombres,’ nor did it make clear the tone and context of the remark, ” nor did it “contain Mexican President Enrique Nieto’s response, ” the AP still ran with it anyway. Perhaps the first sign that the story should not have run was, as the AP said, that the “person with access to the official transcript of the phone call provided only that portion of the conversation ” to the AP.
Contrary to the AP’s report, President Trump did not “ threaten [] . to send U. S. troops” to stop “bad hombres” in Mexico. Instead President Trump offered military assistance in fighting drug cartels. A subtle difference, but still one that changes the tone of the conversation.
Moreover, the AP did not even get the word modifying “hombres” correct. The Post transcript suggests the President said “tough hombres, ” not “bad hombres.” The distinction is subtle, but noteworthy. In most contexts, “tough” is more complementary than “bad.” But it can also be used negatively, to be sure. For example, in 1999 when he was considering running for President as a member of the Reform Party, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that Trump “called Russian President Boris Yeltsin ‘a disaster’ and ‘one tough hombre’ who suffers from ‘a major alcohol problem.”
President Trump also did not assert that Mexico’s military was “scared, ” but rather pondered the possibility that it was scared as an explanation for the seeming lack of advancement in the fight against the drug cartels. Again, a subtle, but still significant, difference.
Prior to the release of the transcripts, President Trump’s call to the Mexican president was portrayed as confirming Trump’s bad temperament. But the full context of the conversation reveals that such a characterization, implied in the AP’s report, is unwarranted.
In an age where many right-leaning Americans feel victimized by the national press corps, the AP is not helping the case the broader press is trying to make in the wake of the 2016 election, which is that the press is objective, neutral, and fair in its political coverage. Moreover, even though some might consider this mistake “small” in scope, it is not small to those who have already lost faith in the press as an institution.

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