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In His Next Quest To Conquer The World, LeBron James Stars In A Kids Movie


LeBron James posted a promo for the upcoming movie «Smallfoot» to his Twitter this week.
When he’s not averaging 28.3 points a game, LeBron James is making a smooth foray into showbiz.
The King posted a promo for the upcoming movie “Smallfoot” to his Twitter this week and the hype was palpable.
He’ll be playing the voice of Gwangi, a lovable animated main character. “ Smallfoot ” is about a Yeti (played by Channing Tatum) who believes humans exist and is on a mission to find them. Other notable voices in the film include Zendaya, Danny DeVito, Gina Rodriguez, and James Corden.
!!! Vannah says he could be my brother – . #MyHairThooo #Frosty #YetiOrNot pic.twitter.com/mySAAJHR4I
— LeBron James (@KingJames) November 21,2017
Love how LeBron’s wife thinks they could be brothers. Aside from the whole Gwangi being an animated character from an imaginary species detail, I totally see it.
This isn’t LeBron’s first debut in the biz, either. He’s the founder of SpringHill Entertainment, a producer of Space Jam 2, and has made cameo appearances in Entourage. He also recently had a role in “Trainwreck” where he played himself.
But Gwangi is gonna be way different. He’s going to have to play somebody totally new who also happens to be a different species. He was funny in “Trainwreck” because he was LeBron. But his face isn’t gonna save him in an animated kids flick. This is uncharted territory and I’m totally here for it.
Anyway best of luck to Bron Bron. And let’s all hope all those harassment allegations don’t extend to Danny DeVito because he might be the best voice in the whole lineup.
“Smallfoot” hits theaters next September .

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