Домой United States USA — software Telegram messenger blocks channel over pirated content

Telegram messenger blocks channel over pirated content


A channel on Telegram has been blocked due to the illegal proliferation of copyrighted audio content. The move comes as the Russian IT watchdog starts allowing take down requests of copyrighted works.
For the first time, according to the Russian news outlet, TASS, Telegram messenger has blocked a channel which was broadcasting audio content in contravention of the author’s copyright. The news came via the IT watchdog Roskomnadzor which, in October, began accepting requests from copyright holders to enact measures limiting access to pirate content online.
Roskomnadzor took to Facebook to announce that Telegram, for the first time ever, had blocked a channel on its platform for copyright infringement. The watchdog said:
Earlier this year, in June, the regulator asked Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, to register his company with it or face being blocked in the country due to it operating against Russian law. In the end, Durov agreed to register the company with the regulator, however, said that Telegram messages wouldn’t be provided to the regulator if it asked for them. So while Telegram may not be allowing Roskomnadzor to have its own way entirely it has shown with the latest piece of news that it’s willing to bend to some demands that the Russian state makes of it.
Source: TASS

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