Домой United States USA — IT Gmail updated for iPhone X, third-party email accounts can now be added

Gmail updated for iPhone X, third-party email accounts can now be added


The latest version of Gmail for iOS has been updated to take advantage of the display on the iPhone X. The update also brings support for third-party email accounts, not previously available.
While there is debate over whether the display on iPhone X is aesthetically pleasing, what is probably more concerning is that lack of apps that take full advantage of it. Despite not being available at launch, Google has done a good job so far updating its various apps to take advantage of the screen real estate. Although there are still some that have yet to make the leap like Hangouts and Calendar, the firm has now finally updated its email client.
The latest version of Gmail, version 5.0.171119, will take advantage of the full screen, including the areas to the left and right of the notch, with the left side housing the menu stack and the right side carrying the search icon. While it is a minor change, it looks more spacious, allowing the inbox to spread out over the main area of the display.
In addition to the visual refresh for the iPhone X, Gmail users on iOS will notice that Google has now added support for third-party email accounts. This was previously available on Android but is a first on iOS. As mentioned before, you can head to the App Store to download Gmail or just update to the current version to see the differences.
Source: Phone Arena

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