Домой United States USA — mix Middle East protests continue after Jerusalem announcement Video

Middle East protests continue after Jerusalem announcement Video


Arab foreign ministers on Sunday demanded that the United States rescind President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
We want to head overseas now to the scenes of violence this morning following president trump’s announcement to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. James Longman has more. Reporter: Paula, Tom, good morning. I don’t know if you can see behind me. There are still groups of Palestinian youths assembling. There have been protest this is morning between the Israeli security and these groups of young men. Not just here in the region. But further afield. From Jakarta to Beirut. People have come out to protest. It’s a rallying cry for muslims around the world. We have seen shocking images out of the Lebanese capital outside the U. S. Embassy there. Demonstrating and being dispersed by riot police with water cannon and tear gas. As Arab nations appeal to the rest of the world to recognize east Jerusalem as the capital of a new Palestinian state. The leader of the Palestinian authority says Mahmoud abbas may not meet with vice president pence. James Longman. We want to bring many Martha Raddatz. Good morning. Good morning, guys. Let’s pick up on the beat of Jerusalem. This is something other presidents had wanted to do. The reaction not popular globally. Do you expect other countries will join the U. S.? Recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? I think that’s a stretch. The comments have been very, very strong from our European allies. Arab leaders around the world. It’s been pretty much universally condemned. President trump did leave open a two-state solution. Saying if they decide something different, that’s up to them. But, I think a lot of people will tell you, it might be much more difficult to do that now. We have had presidents in the past say they want to do the this. Basically, later, they were convinced that wasn’t a very good idea because of exactly the kinds of scenes you’re seeing there now. Martha, let’s turn back to home. The senate race if Alabama. I’ve been koefrg it. What stuck out for me, Roy Moore has made no public appearances since Tuesday. Now the president is making Robo calls. He was openly supporting Moore at Friday’s rally. Does Moore even need to be out there at this point? I can see you ask that question. I cannot hear a thing. I see we have Roy Moore there, I’m thinking this question is about Roy Moore. And the fact that he hasn’t appeared in public. For the last couple of days. As you heard Stephanie report. I think one of the reasons is he doesn’t have to at this point. He’s got the support of president trump. It’s a tight race. But he’s relying on president trump and others to speak for him. Yeah, seems the risk outweighs the reward at this point.
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