Домой United States USA — Political Congress Reacts to SCOTUS Decision Not to Hear DACA Challenge

Congress Reacts to SCOTUS Decision Not to Hear DACA Challenge


Congressional lawmakers took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the Supreme Court refusal.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Monday praised the Supreme Court for its refusal to take up a Trump administration challenge on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, saying that the justices’ decision shows taking away the program was “legally questionable.”
“Today’s Supreme Court action shows that rescinding DACA was not only legally questionable but also unjust and cruel. The court’s action is welcome news, but only Congress can provide the permanent protection our Dreamers need and deserve,” Pelosi said in a statement.
“Republicans’ shameful refusal to take action means that every day, Dreamers are forced to live in limbo, with their wellbeing, futures, and status at risk,” she continued.
Other congressional lawmakers took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the Supreme Court refusal, noting that the decision means the program will stay in place until the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals conducts a full review — essentially getting rid of the March deadline for DACA that President Donald Trump put in place last September.
“We need to fix our immigration system so that it not only protects American jobs but recognizes the contributions of immigrants, from all walks of life and skill sets to our economy, our culture and our moral authority in the world as a country that welcomes and celebrates diversity,” Rep. Julia Brownley (D-Calif.) said in statement.
SCOTUS decision today provides temporary relief for those who are living in fear of being callously & arbitrarily ripped away from their families, jobs & only home they’ve ever known. While this temporary reprieve is welcome, Congress must act to permanently protect Dreamers.
— Julia Brownley (@JuliaBrownley26) February 26,2018
Lawmakers also called for Congress to come to a permanent solution for so-called “Dreamers”:
While I welcome this news — the #SCOTUS decision doesn’t change the fact that thousands of #Dreamers have lost their #DACA protections and are at risk of deportation. Congress must act with urgency to find a permanent, bipartisan solution that will protect Dreamers. https://t.co/Qth63b4Ocr
— Senator Cortez Masto (@SenCortezMasto) February 26,2018
. @realDonaldTrump manufactured this #DACA crisis last year. Today’s ruling is temporary protection, but no substitute for Congressional action to protect our DREAMers permanently. We must act NOW! https://t.co/zB5zLhhflR
— Rep. Lois Frankel (@RepLoisFrankel) February 26,2018
Today’s #SCOTUS decision on #DACA is a victory, and all #Dreamers should apply for renewal. But thousands of Dreamers are still in jeopardy of losing their protection and being deported. Congress needs to act now and pass a permanent solution with the #DreamAct.
— Eleanor Holmes Norton (@EleanorNorton) February 26,2018
This means Dreamers who have received DACA in the past can still apply for renewal, but this is only a temporary reprieve. This doesn’t lessen the urgent need for Congressional action to provide a permanent path to citizenship for Dreamers. #DreamActNow https://t.co/brpEtEfNTr
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) February 26,2018
US Supreme Court justices refused to take up @realDonaldTrump ’s appeal of a lower court order that requires the administration to continue accepting renewal applications for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA. https://t.co/pLl500XWav
— Rep. Keith Ellison (@keithellison) February 26,2018
#SCOTUS decision today to turn down the Trump administration’s challenge of #DACA is good news for #Dreamers across the country, but it is not enough. We will continue fighting in Congress for a legislative fix to protect Dreamers & keep families together. https://t.co/i4HMcAFhTq
— Michael F. Bennet (@SenBennetCO) February 26,2018
I’m hoping that we can provide a solution for DREAMers and their families soon. Congress cannot continue to be stagnant on this issue, these kids need action now! #DACA
— US Rep E. B. Johnson (@RepEBJ) February 26,2018
SCOTUS’ decision not to expedite Trump’s DACA challenge is welcome news. 45’s decision to end DACA was legally questionable, unjust, and downright foolish. Now it’s up to Congress to fix it.
Join me, @TamikaDMallory, and @UndocuBlack for our Day of Action tomorrow. pic.twitter.com/5HN9DfBTHP
— Yvette D. Clarke (@RepYvetteClarke) February 26,2018
Republican lawmakers were largely silent on the issue, though White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah did release a statement on behalf of President Trump, which reiterated the administration’s view of DACA as giving “benefits to illegal immigrants en masse.”
“We look forward to having this case expeditiously heard by the appeals court and, if necessary, the Supreme Court, where we fully expect to prevail,” Shah said.

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