Домой United States USA — Criminal Here are the companies that reacted to public outcry by kicking the...

Here are the companies that reacted to public outcry by kicking the NRA to the curb


They don’t want the bad publicity.
A number of huge brands are making moves to distance themselves from the National Rifle Association after the gun-owners’ organization came under fire following the school shooting in Parkland, Florida.
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The number of companies who have cut ties with the NRA is constantly increasing, but right now, a few of the names who have backed out include Enterprise, LifeLock, Norton, First Bank of Omaha and Metlife.
On Saturday morning, Delta Airlines and United Airlines both said that they will no longer offer discounted rates to NRA members traveling to the group’s meeting. The airlines also noted that they have asked the NRA to remove their names from the organization’s website.
The company’s moves have come on the heels of a public outcry on social media with the hashtag #NRABoycott.
The NRA has been doing some serious damage control after the Florida shooting. They’ve put their spokeswoman Dana Loesch at two big-ticket occasions–first the CNN Town Hall on Wednesday and then at CPAC on Thursday. NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre also appeared at the event, where he gave a rousing speech.
The two biggest companies still tied to the NRA are Amazon and FedEx. Amazon offers NRATV– the organization’s media arm — on their platform and is facing a backlash from consumers who want them to cut ties. A Change.org petition is currently being circulated in hopes of removing the network from Amazon and over 32,000 people have already signed it.

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