Домой GRASP/Korea Trump’s CPAC Speech Will Cover Pelosi’s ‘Mowing Grass’ Comment And Sanctions On...

Trump’s CPAC Speech Will Cover Pelosi’s ‘Mowing Grass’ Comment And Sanctions On North Korea, Not Russia


President Trump expected to talk to CPAC crowd about Nancy Pelosi wanting grass mowed at U. S.-Mexico border instead of building a wall and cover sanctions against North Korea, not Russia….
President Trump expected to talk to CPAC crowd about Nancy Pelosi wanting grass mowed at U. S.-Mexico border instead of building a wall and cover sanctions against North Korea, not Russia.
President Trump will talk about building a border wall along the southern section of the U. S. between the shared border with Mexico in order to “stop dangerous drugs and criminals.” Trump will also knock Nancy Pelosi’s different plan, which Trump will describe as Pelosi’s suggestion of cutting down grass so illegal immigrants cannot hide in the tall grass and make it into the U. S.
President Trump’s notes from his prepared speech said that “we all PROUDLY STAND for the National Anthem” before giving kudos to the late Billy Graham. Trump is also expected to speak about his recent listening session with surviving students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, along with other families affected by tragedies and educators.

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