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Microsoft Buys GitHub — Get Ready For a Bigger Devil


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well he would say that wouldn’t he…
On his own blog Nadella reminds us of the scale of the acquisition:
The fact that Microsoft was the organization with the most open source contributors on GitHub came as something as a surprise when it was revealed in 2016. However, given that we had already reported the beginning of the Microsoft Mass Migration To GitHub in January 2015 and then seen more Microsoft projects follow the open-source trend. it was really an obvious corollary. In 2017 Microsoft finally shut its own open-source project hosting site, CodePlex, providing practical help for projects to migrate to GitHub, which Brian Harry described in his announcement of the closure as:
Reiterating Microsoft’s commitment to open source Nadella also writes:
In short Microsoft is looking to get Azure a much bigger share of the cloud market and hopes to sell its own and its partners tools and services.
It is no coincidence that, after the deal is concluded, GitHub’s financials will be reported as part of the Intelligent Cloud segment and that both Nat Friedman and Chris Wanstrath will report to Microsoft Cloud Vice President Scott Guthrie.
The PowerPoint Online presentation relating to the acquisition makes specific reference to the GitHub Marketplace:
What do developers think? The reaction so far is mixed. GitLab, which already had an import tool for repos moving to it from GitHub and tweeted about the acquisition before it was confirmed, has reported a spike in the arrival of new repos. Other developers who don’t want to stay with GitHub are looking to Altassian’s BitBucket as an alternative. Many developers, however, feel that Microsoft today is very different from a decade ago and that it has a good record with regard to open source.
Open source developers tend to be a little idealistic and having Microsoft take over GitHub will come as a culture shock. The problem is that open source doesn’t have the cash to pay for the services it needs to operate. As a result it has to take «handouts» from commercial services. GitHub has never been a non-profit and it supported open source by taking money from less open paying customers. In this sense open source isn’t pure and sups with the devil — now the devil is a bit bigger than it was.
Microsoft to acquire GitHub for $7.5 billion (Microsoft News Center)
Microsoft + GitHub = Empowering Developers (Satya Nadella’s blog)
A bright future for GitHub (Chris Wanstrath on GitHub blog)
GitHub Marketplace Now Accepts Free Apps and Offers Free Trials
Microsoft CodePlex Is Shutting Down
Microsoft Mass Migration To GitHub
GitHub Octoverse Reveals The State Of Open Source
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