Домой United States USA — Art The Oscars Are Adding A Popular Movie Category. Here’s What’s Likely To...

The Oscars Are Adding A Popular Movie Category. Here’s What’s Likely To Get Nominated


The Academy Awards are (finally) making a change. Just five months after the Oscars received its lowest television ratings in history, the Academy is making…
The Academy Awards are (finally) making a change.
Just five months after the Oscars received its lowest television ratings in history, the Academy is making a change to reach a broader audience. (RELATED: The Ads During The Oscars Were Just As Political As The Actual Show)
This week, the board of governors for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences motioned to include a new popular movies category to salvage and/or retain viewership. It’s likely to be nicknamed the ‘popcorn category’ and is intended to draw in viewers who may not care about some of the other awards (take best sound mixing, for example).
In a similar vein, the Academy intends to limit the entire show to three hours and to air some less interesting categories during commercial breaks. “The winning moments will then be edited and aired later in the broadcast,” Bailey and Academy CEO Dawn Hudson said in a letter this week.
The 91st Oscars aren’t until February 24,2019, but the addition of a popular film category has many in the entertainment world already speculating about possible nominees. Here are some films we might see up for an award next year:
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