Домой United States USA — mix Try To Impeach Trump And Face The Consequences, Democrats

Try To Impeach Trump And Face The Consequences, Democrats


With all the fallout talk from Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort centering around impeachment, Andrew Klavan decided to weigh in and make the case for the Democrats to run on impeaching President Donald Trump – not because he wants to see Trump leave office, but because he thinks this strategy will
With all the fallout talk from Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort centering around impeachment, Andrew Klavan decided to weigh in and make the case for the Democrats to run on impeaching President Donald Trump – not because he wants to see Trump leave office, but because he thinks this strategy will backfire spectacularly on the Left.
“I hope they try it, because I think first they’ll be tarred and feathered, I really do, and I think secondly people are going to turn out. The big thing that they have in these upcoming midterm elections is that Republicans may not be smart enough to turn out,” Klavan said. “The Democrats are supercharged, they’re angry as they can possibly be, and they are going to show up, but are the Republicans going to show up? The Republicans are saying things like ‘Well, I don’t like this candidate here in my district cause he’s not like Trump,’ but he’s the guy who’s gonna stop the impeachment hearings. Whoever that Republican is you gotta vote for him, because he’s the guy who’s gonna stop this from turning into nonsense.”
Video and transcript below:
It was a tragic choice [to vote for Trump], and by a tragic choice I don’t mean that people died when you made it. Each side had a very tragic price, the price of getting Hillary elected of course was the country. The price of voting for Donald Trump is we are now defending a guy who does stuff that is not all that defensible. However, the one thing we have going for us is the Left keeps overreacting.
What Donald Trump is accused of is essentially a campaign finance violation, the money that changed hands when he was buying off – according to Michael Cohen, and let’s face it, it sounds to me like he’s telling the truth. According to Michael Cohen, the money he was using to pay off the women that Trump was sleeping with was less than the money Obama was fined for his over two million dollars in illegal campaign contributions.
So, normally these things are dealt with a fine, we also have this kind of deep state vendetta going after Trump and everyone who’s ever come near him. Paul Manafort would never have gotten caught up in this, he’s been doing this stuff for years, the only reason he got caught up is because he came within Trump’s circle and this silly Russian investigation is going on. Michael Cohen probably the same thing, although guys like Cohen do tend to wind up in jail.
… What I’ve heard them saying on the news, which is just untrue, is that this is a campaign finance violation because he did it to keep the women quiet so he could get elected, but that’s not the case. The thing is that contributions to candidates, even if they’re in-kind contributions, not just money, are limited to I think it’s $2,700. So, this was more than that money. Now if it comes from Trump, his contributions to himself are not limited, but it’s only a limitation if Cohen was the one making it and it was disguised and they didn’t say what it was and all this.
So again, it’s the kind of thing where you’d usually get a fine, you’d get a slap on the wrist. This is a vendetta, this is Robert Mueller who’s on a wild goose chase after this Russian stuff, but he does what prosecutors always do – they prosecute the guys who fall within their kin and he’s going after them. Also of course, this is a move in the chess game that Mueller is using to turn these guys, so he’s twisting the screws on Michael Cohen. Trump tweeted out «if anyone is looking for a good lawyer I would strongly suggest that you don’t retain the services of Michael Cohen.» It’s too bad he couldn’t send that tweet back in time to Donald Trump. It’s like «oh yeah maybe I shouldn’t hire this guy,» this is like his bud for years, this is his fixer.
Lanny Davis, who was Clinton’s lawyer too, even though that in the plea when Michael Cohen pleaded guilty he did not name Trump, Lanny Davis is bringing it against Trump and basically saying «we’re coming after you, me and Cohen.»
Lanny Davis: «Let me make 100% clear, the evidence was provided definitively by Donald Trump’s lawyers, they wrote the special counsel and said Donald Trump directed Michael Cohen to make these illegal payments. That’s not a dispute, it’s not about credibility, it’s his lawyers in a letter use the word ‘directed.’ Rudy Giuliani said don’t believe what Trump said on Air Force One, it’s not a crime to lie to the American people, and he said Donald Trump reimbursed Michael Cohen…Trump committed a criminal act that corrupted our democracy, that’s what the campaign finance laws are about, the same way that the Russians complicit with WikiLeaks and evidence that members of the campaign at least facilitated that conspiracy.»
So, that obviously is the narrative they want to sell, that this has some connection to Russia, it has no connection to Russia, and the big language – he committed a crime that corrupted our electoral process. He committed a campaign finance violation, if they can prove that.
Let me tell you just one thing, if these guys think that they for 50 years can insult people they meet in the middle of this country, the entire heartland of this country and tell people their culture stinks, and tell people their religion stinks, and tell people their flag is worth disrespecting, and go out and send our president out to apologize for America, and tell us America needs to be fundamentally transformed, and then after 50 years of this treatment people finally get angry enough that they’re willing to break their own rules and elect Donald Trump. If they think they’re going to pull a coup on this president with campaign finance violations, good luck.
I hope they try it, because I think first they’ll be tarred and feathered, I really do, and I think secondly people are going to turn out. The big thing that they have in these upcoming midterm elections is that Republicans may not be smart enough to turn out. The Democrats are supercharged, they’re angry as they can possibly be, and they are going to show up, but are the Republicans going to show up? The Republicans are saying things like «Well, I don’t like this candidate here in my district cause he’s not like Trump,» but he’s the guy who’s gonna stop the impeachment hearings.

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