Домой United States USA — software Until Dawn developer launches The Dark Pictures Anthology horror games

Until Dawn developer launches The Dark Pictures Anthology horror games


Supermassive Games has unveiled The Dark Pictures Anthology, a series of short horror games that begin with Man of Medan in 2019.
Supermassive Games has unveiled The Dark Pictures Anthology, a series of short horror games that begin with Man of Medan in 2019.
Supermassive Games created the PlayStation 4 horror game Until Dawn, which was my favorite game of 2015. Bandai Namco will publish the games for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.
Players can switch between a cast of four American tourists, and their skipper Fliss, who are out for a summer cruise. They wind up awakening something awful, and they have to fight for survival aboard a World War II ghost ship.
Man of Medan is the first in the series, and then Supermassive plans to release two games a year with different genres of horror. The games stand alone, but they’re all meant to scare you to death. And, as with Until Dawn, the choices that you make will define the story that you experience. I loved how Supermassive re-created the Butterfly Effect, where a small action, such as a butterfly flapping its wings, can have a global effect.

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