Домой GRASP/Korea Japan's Abe open to meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

Japan's Abe open to meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong-un


Abe said he is willing to meet Kim to resolve the long-standing issue of kidnapped Japanese citizens in North Korea.
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a longtime hardliner on North Korea, said he was willing to meet Kim Jong-un at a speech at the UN General Assembly.
Abe, who one year ago warned at the United Nations that the window for diplomacy with North Korea was closing, took a more open but still cautious tone on Tuesday in his latest address to the world body.
But he said that any summit would be devoted to resolving a decades-old row over North Korea’s abductions of Japanese civilians — a deeply emotive issue for much of the Japanese public on which Abe built his political career.
«In order to resolve the abduction issue, I am also ready to break the shell of mutual distrust with North Korea, get off to a new start and meet face to face with Chairman Kim Jong-un,» Abe said in his UN address.
«But if we are to have one, then I am determined that it must contribute to the resolution of the abduction issue.

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