Домой United States USA — mix Donald Trump Wants Brett Kavanaugh’s Accusers ‘Held Liable’ For Allegations

Donald Trump Wants Brett Kavanaugh’s Accusers ‘Held Liable’ For Allegations


Following the saga of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation, U. S. President Donald Trump has come out to say that he wants the newest Supreme…
Following the saga of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation, U. S. President Donald Trump has come out to say that he wants the newest Supreme Court Justice’s accusers “held liable” for their accusations of sexual assault.
Per USA Today, Trump told Jeanine Pirro after his rally in Kansas on Saturday night that “he hated watching the slew of sexual assault allegations grow against Kavanaugh” and called all the accusations “fabrications” with “not a bit of truth.”
“I think that they should be held liable. You can’t go around and whether it’s making up stories or making false statements about such an important position, you can’t do that. You can destroy somebody’s life.”
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford was the first to come forward with allegations against Kavanaugh, stating that she was sexually assaulted by him and a friend of his inside a locked bedroom at a house party in 1982 when both were still in high school. After she spoke up and testified before a Senate committee, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick also put their hands up as victims of Kavanaugh.
Ramirez alleged he exposed himself to her at a college party, while Swetnick stated that Kavanaugh was present at parties where women were gang-raped. Swetnick’s claims were dismissed out of hand by senators and not included in the investigation, particularly when Michael Avenatti was revealed as her legal representative.
Fox’s @JudgeJeanine wants legal reprisals against #Kavanaugh accusers, and eggs on Trump in live phone interview. He suggests toughening libel law. pic.twitter.com/NxBQZjaRWy
— Wils????n Dizard (@willdizard) October 7,2018
According to Swetnick, she witnessed Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge, the same friend Ford alleges assaulted her with Kavanaugh, planning to get girls “inebriated and disoriented so they could then be ‘gang-raped’ in a side room or bedroom by a ‘train’ of numerous boys.”
While Ramirez’s allegations were investigated, Swetnick’s were dismissed. Avenatti, her lawyer, has been battling with Trump for months already as he represents Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had an affair with the president and been paid hush money to keep quiet about it.
In response to the numerous accusations against Kavanaugh, as well as Avenatti’s involvement, Trump has said he wants libel laws to be made tougher on perpetrators.
“There were many, many false things that were said about a very, very fine man and would have destroyed his family if this didn’t happen,” Trump said, referring to the confirmation. “It all came together in the end and people realized it was false accusations and false statements.”
Trump on why he mocked Christine Blasey Ford: «I had to even the playing field» https://t.co/35u26oM4d6 pic.twitter.com/Guw7XzTrgR
— The Hill (@thehill) October 7,2018
In the meantime, Avenatti has blasted Trump and the Senate for deciding his client’s claims are false without even bothering to investigate them.
“Donald Trump is the most dishonest individual to ever hold the office of President of the United States,” Avenatti said. “He is the last person in the nation that should be accusing other people of engaging in falsehoods.”
Both Ramirez and Swetnick have blasted the decision to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, stating they will not be silenced. Avenatti has also pointed out that the Senate and White House’s blasé attitude toward these women and their accusations are why so many women fail to report sexual assaults.
Trump also patted himself on the back for mocking Ford at a campaign rally during the week, stating he believed his blatant attack on her swung many of the senators to vote to confirm Kavanaugh, calling it a victory for the Republican party.

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