After the Mate 20 London even this week, Huawei CEO Richard Yu talked to the media and confirmed a 5G foldable smartphone for 2019.
We already know, thanks to Huawei chairman Ken Hu, that the company is working on a foldable smartphone. That information was also confirmed by CEO Richard Yu, but the chairman also threw in the 5G bit. Hu basically said that the upcoming foldable smartphone will have 5G capabilities.
After the Mate 20, Mate 20 X, Mate 20 Pro, and Mate 20 RS launch event, CEO Richard Yu sat down for a chat with Digital Trends, among others. The CEO got straight to the point by saying: “We are working on foldable phones. Foldable 5G phones”. Not only a confirmation of things to come, but notice the use of plural, so we might expect several models.
Additionally, Yu confirmed that such a product will arrive in 2019, hinting that a foldable smartphone already exists by saying “maybe sometime we will launch that, but not this time”, and that the phone was “not commercialized yet”. When asked about specifications or details, Yu has steered the conversation towards the 7.2-inch Mate 20 X. He talked about the large size of the display in a relatively small form factor. This may or may not be a hint towards the size of the foldable phone. A 7.2-inch device that users can fold in half would be much more manageable.