Домой United States USA — mix Susan Collins on Susan Rice: 'I really have little interest in what...

Susan Collins on Susan Rice: 'I really have little interest in what she has to say'


Sen. Susan Collins on Wednesday roundly dismissed an attack from Susan Rice who criticized the Maine Republican over the weekend, suggesting the former national security adviser may challenge Collins in 2020 because «she betrayed women across this country» for voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Rice, who served in former President Barack Obama’s White House, declined to comment through a spokeswoman.
The latest salvo comes as Democratic talk about unseating Collins is intensifying after she announced she’d cast the deciding vote to confirm Kavanaugh, saying she believes his denials that he did not sexually assault Christine Blasey Ford or act inappropriately towards women more than three decades ago. Now, Democrats see an opening to defeat Collins in 2020 in a state with liberal and independent leanings.
Speaking at a New Yorker festival in New York over the weekend, Rice said she would make a decision on whether to run next cycle after the November midterms, and she accused Collins of putting «party and politics» over principles and for betraying women who hoped she would vote against Kavanaugh.
After Rice tweeted her interest in a potential run, Collins took a swipe at Rice over the weekend, saying on CNN’s «State of the Union» that Rice’s family «has a home» in Maine but that «she doesn’t live in the state of Maine. Everybody knows that.»
The senator also contended that Rice «pleaded» with her to introduce her at her confirmation hearings to be Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations, a nomination Collins supported in 2009.
At the New York event, Rice said she’s been a homeowner in Maine for «the last 20-so years,» saying running for Senate from the state is «not completely crazy.»

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