After WhatsApp founders, it’s WhatsApp Chief Business Officer Neeraj Arora who has announced his exit from Facebook. Read this article for more details.
2018 has been quite a controversial year for Mark Zuckerberg-led social media giant Facebook. Both Zuck and Facebook have been in the news for all the wrong reasons this year – be it the Cambridge Analytica scandal, or the deletion of messages sent by Zuckerberg from the recipient’s inboxes, or the security breach that affected almost 50 Million accounts. We have to say that Facebook’s PR team had to do a lot of work this year to cover things up. And, amidst all that, there have also been a constant stream of reports stating Zuck having differences with the founders of the companies Facebook acquired, which ultimately led to their exit.
United States
USA — IT Exodus continues: WhatsApp Chief Business Officer Neeraj Arora is the latest top...