Japan’s national broadcaster NHK on Wednesday announced the lineup for its annual New Year’s Eve program, "Kohaku Uta Gassen" (Red and White Song Contest). The theme this year is "Let’s Sing Our Dreams." The program, which will be broadcast on Dec 31 from 7
Japan’s national broadcaster NHK on Wednesday announced the lineup for its annual New Year’s Eve program, «Kohaku Uta Gassen» (Red and White Song Contest). The theme this year is «Let’s Sing Our Dreams.»
The program, which will be broadcast on Dec 31 from 7:15 p.m. for the 69th consecutive year, will feature a total of 42 acts, 21 from the “red” (women) team and 21 from the “white” (male) team, as well as two special guests. The two teams will be competing for the trophy with songs, costumes and overall performances.
Singer-songwriter Aimyon, 23, and singer Daoko, 21, will make their first appearance on the show for the red team.