Домой United States USA — Political Trump Declares Daesh is Dead: US Troops to Pull Out of Syria...

Trump Declares Daesh is Dead: US Troops to Pull Out of Syria in 30 Days


President Trump has ordered a rapid withdrawal of all 2,000 United States ground troops from Syria within 30 days, declaring the four-year American-led war against the Islamic State as largely won, officials said today. “We have defeated ISIS [Daesh in Arabic] in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency,”
Karl Racine, the attorney general for the District of Columbia filed a lawsuit today against Facebook for allowing Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy firm, to gain access to the names, «likes» and other personal data about tens of millions of the social site’s users without their permission. What’s going on here and does this factor or tie into the other issues with Facebook and Google and other social networking platforms? So, according to Karl Racine, «Facebook failed to protect the privacy of its users and deceived them about who had access to their data and how it was used… Today’s lawsuit is about making Facebook live up to its promise to protect its users’ privacy.

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