Домой United States USA — software Meet Simplify, a Chrome extension that promises to clean up Gmail's cluttered...

Meet Simplify, a Chrome extension that promises to clean up Gmail's cluttered interface


Though some people undoubtedly enjoy having the additional information on-screen, Gmail’s flashy colors, menus, and red notification dots have become exhausting for many others.
Though some people undoubtedly enjoy having the additional information on-screen, Gmail’s flashy colors, menus, and red notification dots have become exhausting for many others.
If you fall into the latter category, we have some good news for you now: former Gmail lead designer Michael Leggett has created «Simplify,» a Chrome extension that cleans up all of the previously-mentioned nonsense and more.
The inspiration for Simplify was simple: Leggett got tired of working with an interface that, as he describes it, looks like «Lucky Charms got spewed all over the screen.

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