Домой United States USA — Financial Trade War Forecasts: Past, Present, and Future

Trade War Forecasts: Past, Present, and Future


Forward-looking highlights from GeoQuant’s political risk intelligence platform.
We have long forecast that the U. S.-China trade dispute — particularly the countries’ escalating technology-related «cold war» and associated battles over technology transfers, investment screens and intellectual property— would grind on well into 2020, with or without a negotiated trade deal between Washington and Beijing. That said, in late January we also predicted that the two sides would come to an accommodation on tariffs in Q2 2019. Clearly, the Trump administration’s 10 May implementation of 25% tariffs on $200bn of Chinese imports (and the pending threat to impose tariffs on the U. S.’s remaining $325bn of Chinese imports) calls the latter prediction into doubt.
Indeed, the recent tariff war escalation aligns better with our earlier/broader prediction from Q4 2018, where we forecast that the US-China dispute —including both the proximate fight over tariffs and the dispute’s deeper conflicts around control of technology — would continue to escalate despite a 1 December 2018 «cease-fire» declared on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina. Recall that “cease-fire” paved the way for several subsequent months of bilateral negotiations that were initially anticipated to expire, with a «comprehensive» trade deal, on 1 March 2019.
Subsequent variation in Chinese Investment/Trade Policy Risk —our core proxy for risks stemming from the U. S.-China trade dispute—appeared to support near-term tariff relief: per the solid line in the figure below, Chinese Investment/Trade Policy Risk clearly leveled surrounding the U. S. decision to punt the 1 March deadline and continue “constructive” negotiations. Yet it now appears that our original 2 Dec 2018 assessment —represented by the dotted line below, and which forecast a peaking of Chinese Investment/Trade Policy right around 10 May — was in fact more correct.
Regardless, our most updated projections for Chinese Investment/Trade Policy Risk — summarized in the figure below — suggest that China will retaliate for the latest U. S. escalation, and the U. S. will move ahead with plans to impose 25% tariffs on a further $325bn in goods. That said, a peak in risk in late May/early June suggests the two sides will continue to push toward a deal announcement surrounding the upcoming 28/ 29 June G-20 summit in Tokyo, at which Trump and Xi are now reportedly scheduled to talk.
Furthermore, we also maintain our broader, longer-term assessment that Chinese Investment/Trade Policy Risk will remain elevated for the foreseeable future on account of the broader technology and investment-related aspects of the U.

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